Chiba Factory

Chiba Factory

Toyo-Sasaki Glass’ Chiba Factory is located in the city of Yachiyo in the northwest part of Chiba Prefecture. It has one of the largest domestic production capacities for glass houseware products. Since our company’s founding, we have been active in implementing the latest technologies, and in 2002, we opened a factory with cutting-edge equipment.

A Factory with both Machine-made and Handmade Production Technologies


    Forming Technology for Making
    High-Quality Products Quickly


    Master Skills that Create
    the Value and Excitement
    You Expect of Handmade Products


    Numerous Processing Technologies
    that Make Our Glass Products Attractiv

This factory has a production system that is similar to only a few others in the world. It combines our machine-made division with our handmade division into a single molding division.
Our strength lies in our comprehensive capability to combine the entire production process, from the mixing of glass materials to melting, forming, processing (i.e., printing, cutting, toughening, etc.), packaging, and distribution.
With our scientific approach using the most advanced equipment, as well as our traditional craftsmen’s skills and sensitivity, we work day and night to bring you world-class glass products.

At our Chiba factory, we produce glass products within a system that keeps the quality in high standards. Please see the video.

Local Relationships and Environmental Initiatives

Glass is an environment-friendly material that is both chemically stable and recyclable. As a company, and as a factory, we have a responsibility to use this material and promote business activities that consider the environment. We have set as part of our mission for the Chiba factory to be environmentally sound; through carefully carrying out this objective, we will strive to attain harmony and mutually beneficial coexistence with the local community in our operations.
In 2005, we received ISO14001 Management System Certificate for environmental management. To promote further improvement, we are continually reviewing our production activities such as reducing energy, resource consumption, and waste products, in an effort to reduce our burden on the environment. Doing so is part of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of our group.

JQA-EM5019 千葉工場 (千葉工場生産品)